Program: Landsat
Also called ERTS (
Earth Resources Technology Satellites)
The idea of a civil Earth observation program came in 1962 but the first
Landsat was launched only 10 years after because of political and technical
choices. In fact alot of technology was classified and could be used for civil
purposes. Agencies like the Geological Survey had to put pressure to make the
program start. The sensibility of the resolution was longly discussed
(efficient but not too efficient!).
In 1984 the Congress gave EOSAT (
Earth Observation SATellite
corporation) the right to commercialize the pictures but it didn't make
Landsat self financed.
Made of Landsat 1, 2 & 3. Descending node at 09:30 and 18 days
orbital cycle
Based on the
platform. Were equipped with the RBV (
Return Beam Vidicon) TV camera and
the MSS (
MultiSpectral Scanner) radiometer. Such a camera had been used
by the lunar observation program Ranger. The satellites transmit their data in
real time to Eath stations when they are available otherwise the data is
recorded on-board.
Has the same MSS as Landsat 4 & 5
Made of Landsat 4 & 5. Descending node at 09:37 and 16 days orbital
The data is transmitted by the
Made of Landsat 6 & 7. 16 days orbital cycle
Next Landsat planned for launch in 2011. Will carry the OLI instrument:
15-meter panchromatic and 30-m multi-spectral Earth-imaging spatial-resolution
capability. OLI includes a 185-km swath allowing the entire globe to be imaged
every 16 days.