Program: MUOS
Mobile User Objective System
Narrowband tactical satellite communications system to replace
Will cost $2.1 billion. The concept study was provided by Lockheed Martin
Missiles & Space for $700,000.
Five satellites are planned, with an option for 3 more.
Lockheed Martin Space Systems, General Dynamics C4 Systems and Boeing Satellite
Systems (BSS) are to produce the first two satellites and associated ground
control elements.
With Lockheed Martin's design, MUOS satellites will be fully compatible with
the existing
system and associated legacy terminals while significantly increasing military
communications availability (especially with the Lockheed Martin-built wideband
code division multiple access payload that incorporates advanced technology to
provide a 16-fold increase over legacy UHF SATCOM in the number and capacity of
satellite links.) and providing simultaneous voice, data and video in real
time. MUOS will also maximise the full feature capability of the future Joint
Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS) terminals. Anticipated launch date for the first
MUOS satellite is planned for 2010.
General Dynamics C4 Systems will lead the user-entry and integrated ground
segments of the MUOS programme, supplying a secure ground network, satellite
control and network management, and a JTRS-compliant terminal solution. BSS
will provide a significant portion of the UHF payload capability. Harris
Corporation will supply the MUOS spacecraft antenna. The team also includes
Northrop Grumman.
Will implement the well known Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)
waveform and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) standard.