Program: NOSS
Naval Ocean Surveillance System, also called Parcae, also called
American military ocean reconnaissance system. The former program was
The NOSS constellation consists of three orbital planes, each containing
four satellites flying in formation; a main satellite and three sub-satellites.
Some believe that the satellites periodically deploy solar sails to provide the
propulsion required to maintain their precise formation flight.
Another theory says the satellites would be connected by long (several km!)
Some of the NOSS launches carried a LIPS (
Living Plume Shield)
subsatellite. In those cases a jetisonable toroidal plume shield, which
protected the satellite from the exhaust of the Star-37E motor, was fittet with
some solar-cell experiments.
The use of the Star-37E motor for the NOSS launches is somewhat conjectural,
but is performance fits good with the published wights of the NOSS
Also known as the Navy's Space-Based Wide Area Surveillance System (The
Air Force's version is known and Singleton,
USA 32,
Satellites equipped with infrared sensors, built by Martin Marietta, 3600
The cluster could be composed of only the 3 sub-satellites, the main satellite
being different?
Manufactured by Lockheed Martin.
USA 160
launched in 2001
USA 173
launched in 2003
USA 181
launched in 2005
USA 194
launched in 2007
USA 229
launched in 2011
USA 238
launched in 2012