Program: Viasat
US telecommunication satellite program from
Viasat Inc.
The satellites are aimed to provide broadband internet access.
The first 2 satellites are single satellites. The third satellite was scrapped
and transformed on 3 satellites named Viasat-3 class
The Viasat-3 class (previously named Viasat Ka) will comprise 3
satellites, first to be delivered in 2019, now 2023.
The first two satellites will focus on the Americas and Europe, Middle East and
Africa (EMEA), respectively, with a third satellite system planned for the Asia
Pacific region, completing ViaSat's global service coverage. Main features
- 100 Mbps residential internet service
- hundreds of Mbps for aricraft service
- upto 1 Gbps for use in corporate service
The platform will deliver over 1 Tera bit per second of capacity. Payload is
built by Viasat while the rest of the satellite is a Boeing 702 platform
Viasat-79W (S2952) at 79°W surrendered
Viasat-109W (S2953) at 109.1°W
Viasat-133W (S2954) at 132.9°W void
downlink: 18.3-19.3 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz uplink: 28.1-29.1 GHz and 29.5-30.0
Operations in the 28.1-28.35 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz frequency bands would be on
a secondary basis.
A new filing was made for Viasat-79W under number S3113 for operations with
downlink 17.7-19.3 and 19.7-20.2 GHz and uplink 27.5-29.1 and 29.5-30.0 GHz
Status: As the first (America)'s antenna failed, the future of the EMEA
is uncertain: it faces delay or being launched to replace the american
VIASAT-RDBS1 115°W [S3001], 17.3-17.7 GHz + 17.7-17.8 GHz downlink,
24.75-25.25 GHz uplink, TT&C 17,301 MHz + 17,303 MHz downlink, 24,752 MHz +
24,754 MHz uplink. FCC US market revoked in Aug 2017
VIASAT-RDBS2 110.9°W [S3002], 17.3-17.7 GHz + 17.7-17.8 GHz downlink,
24.75-25.25 GHz uplink, TT&C 17,302 MHz + 17,304 MHz downlink, 24,752 MHz +
24,754 MHz uplink. FCC US market revoked in Aug 2017
In Nov 2016, Viasat announced it wants to build 20 satellites in MEO
(8200 km) setup in 4 planes inclined at 87°. It would operate in Ka- and
V-band. The company claims not to interfere with
operating at the same altitude but in equatorial orbit and that the satellites
would have 20-year lifetime.
downlink: 17.8-19.3, 19.7-20.2 , 37.5-42 GHz
uplink: 27.5-29.1, 29.5-30, 47.2-50.2, 50.4-51.5 GHz
satellite links with the GEO: uplink: 27.5-29.1, 29.5-30.0 GHZ, downlink:
17.8-19.3, 19.7-20.2 GHz
In 2020, the company requested to change the number of satellites from 20 to
288 and to change orbits from 8200 km x 87° to 1300 km and 45°.