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A Broadband Imaging X-Ratz All-sky Survey Satellite


Designation 25721 / 99022A
Launch date 28 Apr 1999
Country of origin Germany
Mission Astronomy: X-ray astronomy
Perigee/Apogee 600 km
Inclination 51°
Launch vehicle Cosmos C
Launch site Kapustin Yar (reopened specially)

DARA satellite developed with the help of the GFZ Postdam, Max-Planck-Institute for extraterrestrial Physics Garching, and the astronomy and astrophysics institute of the Tubingen university. Mission cost: $25 million. The satellite was not insured.

End of life

Out of service 1 May 1999
Cause the battery failed. Enough power might be obtained later to regain contact
Decay 31 Oct 2017

External resources


sat-index articles

Technical data


Prime contractor OHB System
Mass at launch 460 kg
Mass in orbit  
Dimension 2.5 x 3 x 1.2 m
Solar array  
Stabilization 3-axis
DC power 200 W
Design lifetime 3 years

MPE/Garching and the Astrophysical Institute in Potsdam developed the scientific payload, a set of seven hard X-ray imaging telescopes with an X-ray CCD detector which will carry out an all-sky survey in the 1-10 keV band with 30 arcsecond resolution.

The imaging pn-CCD detector used for ABRIXAS including electronics is identical with the EPIC-Maxi detector developed by MPE/IAAT for XMM.

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