Also called USA 172 and DMSP 5D F16
First launch attempt was in Jan 2001. The satellite had problems with its IMU
before launch (a navigation component), and delayed occured. Then a leak in the
propulsion system was spotted. Later, problems with soldering joints inside the
SSMIS were discovered.
Satellite and launch vehicle cost: $450 million
sat-index articles
The main instrument is the Operational Linescan System (OLS) weather
imager; it also carries sensors SSMIS (microwave imager and sounder), SSULI
ultraviolet limb imager, SSUSI ultraviolet spectrographic imager and nadir
airglow photometer, SSI/ES-3 thermal plasma instrument, and the SSJ/5
precipitating particle spectrometer as well as the SSF laser threat warning
S-band telemetry: 2222.47 MHz