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Also called DMSP 5D F17 or USA 191


Designation 29522 / 06050A
Launch date 4 Nov 2006
Country of origin United States
Mission Military: meteorology
Perigee/Apogee 850 km, sun-synchronous
Inclination 98.9°
Launch vehicle Delta 4 #320

Went into service in Jan 2007.

sat-index articles

Technical data

The main instrument is the Operational Linescan System (OLS) weather imager; it also carries sensors SSMIS (microwave imager and sounder), SSULI ultraviolet limb imager, SSUSI ultraviolet spectrographic imager and nadir airglow photometer, SSI/ES-3 thermal plasma instrument, and the SSJ/5 precipitating particle spectrometer as well as the SSF laser threat warning sensor.

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